There are dreams within dreams
And within those, a vision of you

Nira | She/Her | 20↑ | ID/EN

Hii I yap mostly about my hyperfixations, otps and oshis, and many other things

  • My account is FUB free. Feel free to follow, unfollow, and block me.

  • Will be loud about my otps/oshis, might use capslock and kaomoji to hype them

  • I sometimes post my drawing on here

  • Okay with BL/GL/HL and Yume

  • Socially awkward and lack of social battery, but feel free to interact with me

  • Heavy rts. Please turn off my retweets if you are uncomfortable.

  • I don't really care about what people ship fictionally no matter how problematic it is ( you do you )

  • Please don't bring any ship discourse on my tl. Let's respect each other preferences


  • If you are a minor, please don't follow or interact with me

  • Hate my faves/otps (im kinda sensitive with doubleface disbandment jokes so please avoid talking about that topic with me except we are close)

  • You are into drama/discourse

  • You harass someone over fiction

  • Zionist/02 voters

  • Homophobic


  • Idolish7 | A3! | Break My Case | 18trip | Mahoyaku | Enstars | etc


i7 : Momo, Re:vale
Enstars : DF, Switch
A3! : Kumon, Misumi, Natsugumi
Break my case : Akehoshi, SimulDept, Roka, Mika, STDept, NegDept
18Trip : Lu liguang, R1ze, Day2
Mahoyaku : Faust, Eastern wizards


My comfort ships are MadaKoha and Yukimomo
( I don't mind if you like switch )
i7 : GakuTsumu, IoRiku
Enstars : SoraKasa, ReiKao
A3! : SakyoIzu, ChikaIta, HisoHoma
Mahoyaku : OzArthur, FigaFau
Break My Case : TomoYu, RiKyo
18Trip : KiroAku, NanaUshi
I'm a monoshipper (totally okay with multishipper). I do have landmines/notps which I have muted and won't engage in any contents related to them.